6 Notable Signs It’s Time to See a Specialized Foot Doctor

Specialized Foot Doctor

Our feet are always on the move, whether we are running, walking, or even standing for long hours. Due to age factors, sudden injuries, or any other reason, some foot issues – both minor and major arise. 

To overcome these foot issues, it is essential to be aware of signs and symptoms. So, you can consult a specialized foot doctor who can diagnose and treat foot and ankle disorders. Ignoring these signs could lead to a worsening of the condition, affecting your mobility and overall health. 

Below in this informative blog post, we’re going to shed light on some of the most noteworthy signs that will require you to see a specialized foot doctor. 

Reason #1 – Foot or Heel Pain

Foot or heel pain is a common complaint among those seeking the expertise of a foot doctor. Conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, Achilles tendonitis, and arthritis can be the culprits. 

Understanding the root cause of your discomfort can bring a sense of relief. A foot doctor is skilled at identifying this and can recommend appropriate treatments, such as R.I.C.E or P.O.L.I.C.E., stretches, physiotherapy, medication, or specialized footwear and orthopedic insoles.

Reason #2 – Foot and Ankle Injuries

Foot and ankle injuries, often due to sports, exercise, or walking on hard surfaces, are another reason to consult a foot doctor. 

These professionals can assess the severity of the injury and offer appropriate treatments, such as immobilization, physical therapy, and non-invasive procedures. In extreme cases, surgery is the last, must-consider option. 

Reason #3 – Bunions

A bunion is an enlarged bony projection on the base of the big toe that forces the big toe to angle toward the other four toes. As this is a painful condition, the person cannot wear shoes. 

A foot doctor can offer helpful tips on avoiding a bunion as well as treating it. The recommended treatments may include wearing the right shoes and using foot inserts that can bring comfort and relief. In the worst case, a surgery – also known as bunionectomy is done. 

Reason #4 – Flat feet

Medical professionals also refer to flat feet as ‘fallen arches’ or pes planus, a condition characterized by the lack of any arch on foot. 

It might hurt and find its way to causing some other complications to the feet. Several reasons, such as genetics, injury, or certain health conditions, can cause flat feet. A foot doctor can advise on flat feet as well as prescribe orthotics, physical therapy, or some different type of treatment.

Reason #5 – Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can occur when the corner of the toenail penetrates a person’s skin, causing discomfort, inflammation, and puffiness. Early treatment of ingrown toenails is crucial to prevent the risk of developing an infection. 

An experienced foot doctor can cut the regrown part of the nail and also offer remedies on how such foot issues can be prevented in the future. This will give you peace of mind and a proactive approach to your feet’ health.

Reason #6 – Fungal Toenail Infections

Fungal toenail infections can be embarrassing and make the nails thicken, change color, and even become brittle. Managing these infections with regular medicines from a drugstore or pharmacy counter can be complicated. 

A podiatrist can accurately identify this condition and recommend antifungal creams, oral medication, or laser treatment.

By Michael Caine

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